Youth Sunday School Class - meets downstairs in the
Fellowship Center at 8:45 on Sunday Mornings.
Junior and Senior High Youth Group - meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 in the Fellowship Center.
Youth Group - "A place where EVERYBODY is a SOMEBODY"

The Chestnut Ridge Independent Fellowship Church Youth Group consists of
teens who are in the 7th grade
through the 12th grade who are excited about knowing and serving the Lord Jesus Christ!
Our desire for teenagers is that they will know the Lord as their personal Savior and then grow and mature in their faith. We are committed to providing an atmosphere where teens can learn God’s Word, have a great time, and make lasting memories. Our ultimate goal is to instill in the youth a love for Christ and a strong desire to do His will.
In today’s society, Satan offers so much to our youth that looks good but is actually a stumbling block. He targets our young people because he knows they are the future of our churches. As a result, it is vitally important that we have parents who raise their children according to the principles found in God’s Word.
At CRIFC, we believe it is one of our duties as a local church to be a help to parents as they raise their young people in this manner. This is why we believe it is important to have a strong, Biblically sound youth ministry.
Activities are planned to provide social growth and interaction. These include such fun activities as bowling, lock-in, summer camp-out, swimming, and much, much more. Further, the members of the youth group are encouraged to expand their capabilities by helping with Vacation Bible School and by going out into the community and helping others.
Joining Youth Ministry
Students age 12 and up are encouraged to be a part of this ministry. If you have any questions regarding the Youth Group, please feel free to call us at 814-839-2207.
We meet every Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 in the church fellowship center.