What we believe:
1. We believe in the Bible to be in its original manuscripts, and absolutely infallible.
2. We believe in the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe man was created in the image of God. We believe, by the transgression of God's Word, man fell into sin, and that by his fall he is out of fellowship with God. We believe man's return to the fellowship of God must be by the new birth as spoken in the Scripture.
4. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived in the house of Joseph until He entered into His ministry. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that He arose for our Justification and that we are saved by completely trusting in His works of grace when His blood was shed for us on Calvary's Cross.
5. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was the first fruits of those that died, to resurrect, His own body, and that through His resurrection, we too, will rise from the grave to live with Him eternally. The righteous unto eternal life, the unrighteous, eternal damnation.
6. We believe in water baptism, preferably by immersion, for believers only,
7. We believe in dedication of infants, preferably without water.
8. We believe in the Lord's Supper and believers only are invited to participate in this remembrance.
9. We believe Satan is a real person who continually tries to thwart the program of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
10. We believe that at the death of the body, the spirits of the people of God go into the presence of God.
11. We believe in Premillenialism, namely-
a. Jesus will return at the rapture for the believing Church.
b. There will be a tribulation period on the earth for seven years. The second three and one-half years known as the Great Tribulation.
c. Jesus will return at the end of the tribulation period to subdue His enemies in the Battle of Armageddon.
d. Jesus will rule 1,000 years in His millennial reign on the earth.
e. We believe that believers will appear at the judgment seat of Christ for their rewards.
f. We believe that there will be a Great White Throne Judgment where the unsaved will be presented, judged by their works of unbelief and cast into hell.